Can I still get my social grant if I inherit money?
The short answer
Yes, but only if you still pass the means test.
The whole question
Dear Athalie
I receive a disability grant from SASSA. What will happen to my grant if I inherit money?
The long answer
Because the disability grant, like all the other SASSA grants except for the foster care grant and the grant-in-aid, is means-tested, your income and assets have to fall below a certain specified amount for you to continue to qualify for the grant.
From April 2021, the amount that you can earn and still get the grant is R87,720 per year (R7,310 per month) if you are single, and R175,440 (R14,620 per month) if you are married. Your assets cannot be worth more than R1,247,400 if you are single, or R2,494,800 if you are married.
The maximum amount of the disability grant is R1,890. SASSA could decide to pay less than the maximum amount if you have another source of income but still need the social grant.
If the inheritance you received meant that your assets were worth more than the maximum amounts quoted above, SASSA could decide to pay less than the maximum amount of the grant, or even discontinue it.
You are required to inform SASSA of changes in your circumstances so that they can assess whether you still qualify for the grant or not.
SASSA does regular reviews to check on the health and income of grant beneficiaries to see if they still qualify to receive the grant. SASSA must give a beneficiary 90 days’ notice that their grant is being reviewed. During that time the beneficiary must give all relevant information to SASSA. If SASSA decides that you no longer qualify for the grant, or you don’t present them with the documents they asked for, they will give you 90 days’ notice that your grant is being suspended. If you don’t agree with their decision, you could apply for reconsideration within 90 days of receiving their decision.
You can contact SASSA with any questions on their hotline 0800 60 10 11. You can also contact the Black Sash, which gives free paralegal advice. Their advice hotline number is 072 66 33 739. You can SMS them or send a “please call me” if you have no airtime.
Wishing you the best,
Answered on Jan. 31, 2022, 9:45 a.m.
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