Elta House 3 Caledonian Road Mowbray Cape Town Western Cape 7700 Western Cape Regional Office (including Northern Cape) Elta House 3 Caledonian Road Mowbray Cape Town Western Cape 7700 Eastern Cape Regional Office (including Free State) 87A Main Road Walmer Port Elizabeth 6070 KwaZulu Natal Regional Office (including Mpumalanga) Diakonia Centre 20 Diakonia Street (previously St Andrews Street) Durban 4001 Gauteng Regional Office (including Limpopo and North West) 8th Floor Khotso House 25 Anderson Street Johannesburg 2001
Phone (Western Cape): 021 422 0717
Fax: 021 686 6971
Phone (Gauteng): 011 834 8361
Phone (Eastern Cape): 041 487 3288
Phone (KwaZulu Natal): 031 301 9215
Email: info@blacksash.org.za
Website: www.blacksash.org.za
3rd Floor, Isivivana Centre 8 Mzala Street Khayelitsha Western Cape 7784
Phone: 021 461 1421 / 0800 110 752 (Toll Free) / 079 135 3402 (WhatsApp Hotline for Law Clinic)
Email: info@eelawcentre.org.za
Website: https://eelawcentre.org.za
Kutlwanong Democracy Centre 357 Visagie Street Tel: 012 320 2943 Pretoria Gauteng 4th Floor Southpoint Corner Building 87 De Korte Street, Braamfontein Tel: 011 339 1960 Johannesburg Gauteng 295 Lower Main Road, Observatory Tel: 021 424 8561 Cape Town Western Cape Room S104, Diakonia Centre 20th Diakonia Avenue (formerly St. Andrews Street) 20 Diakonia Avenue (formerly St. Andrews Street) Tel: 031 301 0531 Durban Kwa-Zulu Natal 18 Watson Avenue Tel: 015 534 2203 Musina Limpopo Room 110 & 111 Rivercity Centre Corner Scott and Hill Streets Tel: 054 331 2200 Upington Northern Cape
Website: http://www.lhr.org.za
2nd Floor West Wing, Women’s Jail, Constitution Hill, 1 Kotze Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg Gauteng 2001 Aintree Office Park, Block D, Ground Floor c/o Doncaster Road and Loch Road, Cape Town Western Cape 7708 11th Floor Aquasky Towers, 275 Anton Lembede Street, Durban Kwa-Zulu Natal 4001
Phone: 011 038 9709
Fax: 011 838 4876
Email: info@lrc.org.za
Website: http://lrc.org.za
18 Roeland Street Cape Town Western Cape 7100
Phone: 021 012 5094
Email: contact@nu.org.za
Email: nulawcentre@nu.org.za
Website: http://nu.org.za
Springtime Studios, 1 Scott Road, , CAPE TOWN, 8000 Observatory Cape Town Western Cape 8000
Phone: 021 447 1177
Email: helpline@odac.org.za
Website: www.opendemocracy.org.za/
1st floor, West Wing Women’s Jail, Constitutional Hill 1 Kotze Street Braamfontein Johannesburg Gauteng 2001 KwaZulu Natal Regional Office Unit 310, 3rd Floor, Cowey Park 91-123 Problem Mkhize Rd Morningside, Durban 4001 (Tel: 031 301 6178) Email: dbninfo@probono.org.za Durban KwaZulu Natal 4001 Western Cape Regional Office Unit 1021, 2nd Floor Westminster House 122 Longmarket St (Cnr Adderley St) Cape Town 8001 (Tel: 087 470 0721) Email: infocpt@probono.org.za Cape Town Western Cape 8001
Phone: 011 339 6080
Email: info@probono.org.za
Website: http://www.probono.org.za
19 Anson Street Observatory Cape Town Western Cape 16-20 New Street, Renaissance Centre Ghandi Square Marshalltown Johannesburg Gauteng 2000 34A Belgravia Crescent Belgravia East London Eastern Cape 5201
Phone: 021 448 7875
Website: http://www.sweat.org.za/
Website: Contact Organisation
1st Floor, Sir Lowry Studios 95 Sir Lowry Road Tel: +27 (0) 21 423 7088 Fax: +27 (0) 21 424 5645 Cape Town Western Cape Stevensons Building, 3rd floor, 62 Juta Street, Cnr De Beer Street, Braamfontein, 2017 Tel: +27 (0) 11 339 3589 Fax: +27 (0) 11 339 3589 Johannesburg Gauteng Bushbuckridge Satellite Office Agincourt Health Centre Bushbuckridge Local Municipality Tel: +27 (0) 13 795 5076 Bushbuckridge Mpumalanga Gugulethu Satellite Office NY1 Clinic Opposite Gugulethu Mall Tel: +27 (0) 21 633 3140 Cape Town Western Cape Diepsloot 6 Peach Street, Extension 6, Diepsloot Johannesburg, South Africa Tel: +27 (0) 11 339 3589 Johannesburg Gauteng
Email: info@genderjustice.org.za
Website: https://genderjustice.org.za/
The Salt River Community House No. 41 Salt River Road Salt River, Cape Town Cape Town Western Cape
Phone: 021 448 0044
Fax: 021 448 0047
Website: http://www.sadsawu.com/
2nd Floor, 5 St Georges St Georges Mall, Cape Town Cape Town Western Cape
Phone: 021 424 5660
Email: info@wlce.co.za
Email: communications@wlce.co.za
Website: http://www.wlce.co.za
Social Justice Coalition